The amount of daily correspondence a modern company receives can be frightening.
Picture this: daily emails, from either employees or customers, bogging down servers and workers alike. Add phone calls, the possibility of web forms and paper memos, making the whole process quite overwhelming. Left unchecked, a company’s I.T. (information technology) or human resources department will be overrun with workers and customers all looking for their problem to be resolved.
Efficient Service and Productivity
If employees cannot provide efficient service for their requests, these issues will remain unresolved and lead to real frustration and loss of productivity. The effect of open requests or unresolved tickets can be very harmful to a company’s work flow. At the same time, unfulfilled customer support requests reflect poorly on a business’s image, leading to lost clients and less revenue.
Spending developer time creating a system internally to collect all of these service requests takes valuable resources from other departments. Luckily, Crow Canyon’s SharePoint help desk ticketing system is readily available to solve this very issue. This ticket system creates order amidst the chaos of multiple service requests.
Being Visible and Accountable with a SharePoint Help Desk Ticket System
The basic workings of a help desk ticket system seem quite simple. But without proper software, a ticket can “slip through the cracks,” leading to an unhappy worker or customer. Creating and solving a ticket in the old style of using emails, spreadsheets, or call logs is a complicated process filled with human and computer error. Calls often do not reach the right departments or emails are left unread, leading to unsolved problems.
However, with Crow Canyon’s SharePoint help desk ticket system, the ticket is automatically recorded, assigned, and tracked, and is available for easy access from a database. Employees in IT or facilities or other departments can log on to this SharePoint-powered service, look up open tickets in a clear and “to the point” manner, which greatly increases productivity. Having this automatic system ensures that important issues will be received and resolved quickly.
SharePoint Help Desk Ticket System Effectively Tracks the Process
A ticket’s visibility is extremely important in its journey to being resolved. Companies that implement a help desk system of this kind can effectively track existing and new tickets, allowing for structure in the solving process. Furthermore, SharePoint help desk allows employers to see statistics surrounding the service request, such as:
- Length of time between creation and resolution of ticket
- Number of employees contributing to the ticket
- Frequently updated work logs for solving the request
This prominence promotes a sense of accountability in employees. Workers know that an issue needs to be resolved. By looking up the ticket through the SharePoint help desk ticket system, they can start to work on the problem or easily collaborate with other staff across the company. Crow Canyon’s SharePoint system automatically tracks progress on the ticket, updating the information on the database for all to see. An active system cuts down on personnel inadvertently working on the same problem.
Crow Canyon’s SharePoint Help Desk Ticket System is the Successful Sum of its Parts
What this whole process comes down to is proper and highly efficient communication. Frustration occurs when one party in a conversation feels that they are not being heard. Companies, both large and small, are wise to understand this concept and apply it to their processes. A SharePoint help desk ticket system allows for a greater sense of communication. Employees can easily see and contribute to a solution in a timely manner, leaving them ready to tackle the next challenge.
Scott Restivo has worked in the IT industry for over 20 years. A certified systems engineer, with CNE, MCSE, and CCNA designations, he consulted to major corporations and the military …read more
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