
20 05, 2019

Benefits of a No-Code Solution

2024-07-26T03:52:58-07:00May 20th, 2019|

Want to create business solutions for your company? Or maybe you are in IT and want to push form and workflow creation to HR, Facilities, Purchasing, and other departments, so they can build the solutions themselves?  The rise of no-code solutions makes it possible for business users to build highly effective workflows without needing to know programming languages. The goal is to provide non-programmers [...]

24 04, 2019

Joint Commission EOC Compliance

2021-05-12T10:20:44-07:00April 24th, 2019|

The Problem: Joint Commission EOC Compliance is a critical element for any healthcare facility. Running afoul of the rules and regulations will land a hospital in deep water with the Joint Commission, with all of the fines, fees, and bad press that comes with it. Most times, hospital facilities teams struggle to stay up [...]

23 04, 2019

Digital Transformation for Regulatory Compliance

2021-07-01T10:26:30-07:00April 23rd, 2019|

Organizations in the healthcare, financial services, and utility provider industries have one thing in common: the need for regulatory compliance. And all too often, companies in these sectors make the mistake of using systems their staff is familiar with, rather than the proper tools, to meet compliance needs. Spreadsheets, Microsoft Word DOCs, PDFs, and [...]

16 04, 2019

Digital Transformation Spurs Operational Efficiency

2024-07-29T00:22:01-07:00April 16th, 2019|

Digital transformation is rapidly transforming how organizations look at internal processes and workflows. The move to digitized business processes opens a new world of possibilities for companies that previously relied on outdated, manual processes. This is felt primarily in the company’s bottom line when inefficient methods, paper-based processes, and repetitive tasks are replaced with [...]

8 04, 2019

Infopath End of Life… A Eulogy for InfoPath

2021-01-18T15:01:50-08:00April 8th, 2019|

“Alas, poor InfoPath! I knew him, Horatio, an app of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy …” Though Information Technology is a relatively new industry, it has nonetheless collected a graveyard of solutions that have succumbed to the march of technology. Microsoft has had its fair share of products that fell by the wayside: [...]

11 02, 2019

The Two Sides of Bots – Human and Tech

2024-07-26T03:11:40-07:00February 11th, 2019|

Chatbots are having a profound impact on how we go about our day-to-day business. Whether internal HR and support bots or customer-focused bots on commercial web sites, chatbots are becoming more mainstream. They are finally starting to come through on their promise of boosting revenue while cutting costs. Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, and [...]

31 01, 2019

Questions and Answers from “Infopath Replacement with Crow Canyon’s NITRO Studio”

2024-07-23T05:37:23-07:00January 31st, 2019|

These questions and answers came from our recent webinar with “Replace InfoPath Forms with NITRO Studio.” We are looking to get you the information you need to be successful in building applications on SharePoint and Office 365. See webinar recording and other information here. - - - - - - - - - - - [...]

25 01, 2019

ChatBots Work Best When Personality Matches Purpose

2024-07-23T04:36:14-07:00January 25th, 2019|

User Experience (UX) in IT is typically thought of as a combination of intuitive UI coupled with robust user engagement workflows. In the world of chatbots, however, a strong UX is increasingly associated how a bot uses language to engage with a customer – what could be called the bot’s “personality”. As Natural Language [...]

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