
1 01, 2014

Well Worth It: SharePoint Workflow in the Workplace

2021-01-22T12:30:12-08:00January 1st, 2014|

Business is a collaborative effort; it takes the efforts of many to get a project off the ground, running smoothly and, ultimately, properly completed. When your company implements a customizable, easy-to-use process that keeps everyone in the loop simultaneously, assignments remain on track and culminate in success. SharePoint workflow is [...]

20 12, 2013

IT Help Desk Software – Don’t Lose Sight of the Basics

2024-07-26T03:15:08-07:00December 20th, 2013|

IT and Help Desks are consistently challenged to deliver results more quickly with fewer people. Seems like we’ve been saying that for a while, but never has it been more true than now. Here are four essentials to keeping your sanity and that of your clients: Make communication #1 priority More [...]

28 11, 2013

Not Just a Number: SharePoint Asset Tracking Software

2021-05-05T13:51:22-07:00November 28th, 2013|

Every company needs to ensure that their equipment is in the right place at the proper time, and that maintenance and other ongoing requirements are up to date. There should also be a reliable way to keep on top of needed replacement and repair issues when they arise. Having instant [...]

22 11, 2013

Productivity Reporting through SharePoint

2024-07-30T02:11:12-07:00November 22nd, 2013|

Service tickets range from very simple fixes to large changes and multi-step solutions. For certain companies, such as computer help services, tickets can come in the form of fixing a PC, which can last multiple days and involve several employees. The ability to track who has been working on a certain [...]

22 10, 2013

Changing the Help Desk Standard with SharePoint 2013

2023-04-21T07:25:39-07:00October 22nd, 2013|

The technological world is never static. New and innovative versions of software are constantly released and, once that new product is out the door, a group of developers will already be knee-deep in the next iteration. This is the software cycle. Fortunately, this evolving sense of change presents some interesting [...]

28 08, 2013

All For One: The Link between List Consolidation and Project Management

2024-07-26T02:13:02-07:00August 28th, 2013|

Medium-to-large companies have a problem common: Once a business gets to a certain size, it needs to expand its employee base to facilitate the growing demand for the company’s product and to continue providing a top-notch service. This sets in motion numerous people collecting and inputting more data that has to be useful to [...]

26 07, 2013

Do It Your Way: Customize and Expand Your SharePoint Service Desk

2023-04-21T07:22:03-07:00July 26th, 2013|

There’s a saying we hear in childhood about individuality: “Don’t just follow everyone else; be yourself.” The wording may change, but the main message is to be original and forge your own path. This mantra is especially true in the business world, where companies are constantly searching for new ways [...]

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