Category : NITRO Studio

18 07, 2018

Crow Canyon Software Launches NITRO Studio™ — No-Code Office 365 Application Creation Platform

2022-02-16T14:00:55-08:00July 18th, 2018|

After years of development, Crow Canyon Software has released NITRO Studio, a one-of-a-kind application creation platform for SharePoint and Office 365. The Studio gives companies the power to run many business processes on SharePoint, thereby saving time and increasing business efficiency. Crow Canyon Software announces the launch of NITRO Studio™, a no-code application creation [...]

2 05, 2018

SharePoint Conference North America: Here We Come!

2024-07-26T02:54:30-07:00May 2nd, 2018|

The excitement is building for the NITRO Studio, our application creation platform for Office 365 and SharePoint. NITRO Studio is a unique collection of apps that enhance SharePoint with forms, workflows, reporting, portals, and more. Our goal is to “put the power in your hands” so you can easily create applications, whether simple or [...]

1 12, 2017

Application Portals & Intranets: How Do They Interact?

2024-08-14T00:39:28-07:00December 1st, 2017|

Recently we introduced the concept of the SharePoint Application Portal as a friendly, functional interface for users to engage with our SharePoint-integrated applications. In our initial blog article, we discussed the benefits of application portals for both users and admins; in a subsequent article, we went into more detail about how our application portals facilitate [...]

21 09, 2017

Application Portals: An In-depth Look

2024-12-06T05:15:52-08:00September 21st, 2017|

We gave an overview of the advantages of using Applications Portals in a previous blog article. We explained how our applications use these portals to encourage users to engage with SharePoint. The portals give users a friendly, intuitive interface to interact with the Help Desk, the Support Desk, Purchasing, HR, or other business applications. These [...]

12 09, 2017

Application Portals: Putting Users in the Driver’s Seat

2024-07-30T07:28:14-07:00September 12th, 2017|

One way our applications boost the power of SharePoint and Office 365 is through the use of Application Portals. These Application Portals give users ways to engage effectively with our applications, thereby driving user adoption and accelerating usage of SharePoint and Office 365. Application Portals differ from Intranets, Team Sites, and Comm Sites in [...]

5 01, 2017

Digital Transformation: Powering Productivity

2021-01-21T09:40:06-08:00January 5th, 2017|

What is "Digital Transformation"? On the user side, Digital Transformation is characterized by making people's life easier. What was once difficult or time-consuming is now straightforward. Fifteen years ago, buying a book meant visiting a retail outlet, baking a cake meant flipping through recipes from stacks of magazines, and preparing a business report meant using [...]

2 11, 2016

NITRO™ In-Depth: Reporting & Analytics

2024-12-06T05:09:56-08:00November 2nd, 2016|

How is your Service Desk performing? What are the bottlenecks? What can be improved? In our last blog article, Continual Service Improvement, we described how Reporting & Analytics, the “Third Pillar” of our NITRO™ application layer, can help you understand "where you're at, where you’ve been, and where you need to go" in terms of [...]

26 10, 2016

Reporting & Analytics Drive Continual Service Improvement in Crow Canyon Applications

2023-07-13T13:23:43-07:00October 26th, 2016|

In a previous blog post, we discussed how workflows within Crow Canyon's NITRO™ system are used to move tickets and requests towards resolution. NITRO™-powered SharePoint and Office 365 applications from Crow Canyon put the workflow configuration into your hands. You can easily define and implement workflows that are relevant & meet your unique business [...]

24 10, 2016

Go With the Workflow in SharePoint and Office 365

2024-07-26T02:29:35-07:00October 24th, 2016|

Need new hardware? Want access to a secure database? Onboarding a new employee? All these are “workflows” – a request needs to be initiated, then routed through the proper approvals; tasks need to be assigned, work needs to be done, and the request must be seen through to completion, whether fulfilled or rejected, or [...]

14 10, 2016

Making SharePoint & Office 365 Even Better with NITRO™

2024-07-23T05:09:03-07:00October 14th, 2016|

Microsoft Office 365 and SharePoint are, without a doubt, the leaders in the world of IT productivity and collaborative environments. In the five years since its launch, Office 365 has become the most popular enterprise cloud service. Office 365 is now firmly entrenched as the productivity platform of choice for many U.S. enterprises. SharePoint [...]

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