Category : Productivity

22 11, 2013

Productivity Reporting through SharePoint

2024-07-30T02:11:12-07:00November 22nd, 2013|

Service tickets range from very simple fixes to large changes and multi-step solutions. For certain companies, such as computer help services, tickets can come in the form of fixing a PC, which can last multiple days and involve several employees. The ability to track who has been working on a certain [...]

15 05, 2013

Productivity Management through SharePoint Automation

2024-08-14T00:42:23-07:00May 15th, 2013|

Can a company run itself? Assuming an initial process to get the various aspects of the business underway, could a business feasibly run on its own after that? The obvious answer is no. People are clearly an integral part of making a company function. Employees have logical minds; they can [...]

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