Crow Canyon Software Hosts Free Webinar for Government Agencies: Millennials in Government

Millennials in Government - Generational Differences in the Workplace: How Agencies Are Adapting with M365 & Teams

Crow Canyon Software announces a free webinar for government agencies revealing how to adapt to generational differences in the workplace with Microsoft 365 & Teams.

Millennials in Government: How Agencies are Adapting with M365 & Teams

Research shows that Millennials and Gen Z now make up 62% of the workforce. Leaders are finding that these generations are different from Baby Boomers and Gen X. Adapting to maximize productivity from each employee is key – even more so as the generational shift progresses in the workplace.

Crow Canyon Software, creator of NITRO Studio™ business process automation, announces a free webinar for government agencies revealing how to adapt to generational differences in the workplace with Microsoft 365 & Teams. This webinar will take place on 1/19/23 at 11 am PT.

Research shows that Millennials and Gen Z now make up 62% of the workforce. Leaders are finding that these generations are different from Baby Boomers and Gen X. Adapting to maximize productivity from each employee is key – even more so as the generational shift progresses in the workplace.

This is especially important to leverage Gen Z and Millennials in government and the workplace.

“I am thrilled to share this insight with the community. We hear so much about how hiring and managing employees isn’t how it used to be. It is essential to address the root cause and leverage it into a benefit.” says Krista White, Director of Marketing for Crow Canyon.

Webinar to include:

  • Why generations work differently
  • Digital natives vs. digital immigrants
  • How to adapt to each generation’s style
  • How to maximize productivity from each generation

Learn more here:

About Crow Canyon Software

Crow Canyon Software is the #1 business process automation solution, specializing in augmenting Office 365 and SharePoint platforms with custom or pre-built solutions. Dedicated to supporting the success of organizations worldwide, Crow Canyon provides the #1 no-code custom automation solution, NITRO Studio™, to support complete organizational growth and increased productivity.

Crow Canyon Software also boasts 24 years of experience advising organizations on growth automation and providing migration support.

Twitter: @CrowCanyonSW LinkedIn: @crow-canyon-software


2024-10-26T00:20:15-07:00January 12th, 2023|

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About the Author:

Krista White Krista White is the Director of Marketing at Crow Canyon Software, with over 26 years of experience leveraging the M365 environment. Krista is passionate about elevating business processes in Microsoft 365, Teams, & SharePoint. She enjoys sharing business solutions with the community and exploring growth opportunities. She also likes animals, nature, and good food.
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