Category : CRM

17 02, 2014

Automation with SharePoint for Effective Customer Service

2021-01-22T12:25:46-08:00February 17th, 2014|

For any organization that seeks to provide excellent customer service, having employees who are effective at interacting with customers is critical. There is a tipping point, however, where even being the best customer service representative will not help; it comes down to time management. The most successful customer relations personnel [...]

9 02, 2014

The Change Out: Processes in CRM Project Management

2021-01-22T12:28:02-08:00February 9th, 2014|

The best kinds of companies have a keen understanding of their internal processes including the need for CRM project management. The base pipelines that ensure that business gets done in an effective manner should be well thought out and take into account multiple factors that could cause issues. However, a [...]

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