Category : NITRO Studio

21 09, 2016

NITRO™ In-Depth: UI/UX

2024-07-23T04:26:32-07:00September 21st, 2016|

Crow Canyon’s NITRO™ is a back-end technological layer that forms the foundation of our SharePoint and Office 365-integrated solutions. With our NITRO-powered applications, you no longer have to settle for run-of-the-mill, standardized SharePoint or Office 365 environments that do not meet your business needs. Instead, you can turn SharePoint and Office 365 into "Digital [...]

8 09, 2016

User Adoption: It’s All About UI/UX

2024-07-22T06:10:21-07:00September 8th, 2016|

Earlier this year we posted a blog introducing the O.V.E.R. Methodology, a process designed to effectively address potential challenges when introducing changes into an organization. As IT companies mature, it's natural to introduce many types of change, such as administrative, HR, and procedural changes. One of the most significant changes that a company can [...]

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