Category : Product Lifecycle Management

28 11, 2016

Equipment Tracking on Microsoft Using SharePoint & Office 365

2024-12-05T23:57:26-08:00November 28th, 2016|

Managing your company's equipment is an ongoing process that requires a significant number of resources making a solution for equipment tracking on Microsoft appealing. As organizations grow, it is easy to lose track of your assets, resulting in increased costs, mistakes, lost documents, and missed opportunities (expired warranties, lapsed service maintenance, reactive policies, etc.). Proactively [...]

24 02, 2014

What is the Importance of Product Lifecycle Management?

2023-05-11T07:47:27-07:00February 24th, 2014|

Introducing a new product to the market involves many steps spanning all departments in a company. The path to successful launch is fraught with challenges. Even if the design and engineering departments come up fine product or creative use of technology, a product can still fail. The marketing team could [...]

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