Category : Security Management

9 10, 2020

Crow Canyon Software Releases “NITRO Studio On-Premises”, the Forms & Workflow Solution for SharePoint that Keeps Data Secure

2023-05-11T07:36:17-07:00October 9th, 2020|

Meet regulatory, security, and compliance requirements while automating business processes with Crow Canyon's NITRO Studio On-Premises, the forms and workflow solution for SharePoint 2013, 2016, and 2019 that keeps all data within your organization's firewall. Crow Canyon Software announces the release of NITRO Studio On-Premises for Microsoft SharePoint 2013, 2016, and 2019. This releases [...]

28 02, 2018

Case Study: User Access Request System for Medical Institute

2025-01-31T03:13:59-08:00February 28th, 2018|

In Medieval times, armored guards stood outside a city’s gate to keep an eye on who was coming and going. Access to the city needed to be tightly controlled. Fast forward a thousand years and access is managed not by armored guards but by IT security systems. The world is markedly different, but the [...]

9 03, 2016

Using SharePoint for Security Management – More Ways to Protect Resources and Ensure Compliance

2021-01-21T10:34:54-08:00March 9th, 2016|

Last December, we posted a blog article about how Microsoft SharePoint is “particularly well-suited” to manage user access requests. With the right enhancements and configurations, SharePoint can give teams the power to regulate access to physical and digital resources and thereby protect their organization's security. Controlling who has what access to data and systems is [...]

16 12, 2015

Using SharePoint to Manage Security Access Requests

2025-02-04T01:17:30-08:00December 16th, 2015|

Organizational security is not just about providing user credentials; it's also about being able to easily answer questions such as the following: "Who has access to what systems or resources? Who granted the access? Was it approved properly? Are there users who need accessed modified or revoked?" As organizations grow, the number of objects [...]

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