Category : SharePoint

4 02, 2025

6 Things to Look for in a GCC IT Help Desk

2025-02-14T20:22:52-08:00February 4th, 2025|

For government agencies, defense contractors, and organizations handling controlled unclassified information (CUI), choosing the right ticketing solution is crucial. A GCC (Government Community Cloud) or GCC High IT help desk must meet strict security, compliance, and operational requirements to support organizations working with the Department of Defense (DoD) or other federal entities. Key Features [...]

29 01, 2025

SharePoint IT Ticketing System: When It Makes Sense

2025-02-07T02:45:42-08:00January 29th, 2025|

A SharePoint IT ticketing system may be an ideal solution for your organization, but how do you know? When do you go the SharePoint route and when is it time to consider other options? Let's start by examining the benefits of a SharePoint ticketing system. 1. Seamless Integration with Microsoft 365 One of the [...]

22 08, 2024

SharePoint Ticketing System/Office 365 Ticketing System: What’s the Solution?

2024-09-05T00:45:55-07:00August 22nd, 2024|

We recently had an open Q&A session specifically about ticketing systems and some of the most common questions we were asked are "what is a good SharePoint ticketing system?" or "is there an Office 365 ticketing system?" So many of us live and work in the Microsoft 365 environment. It's only natural that we [...]

5 07, 2024

SharePoint Classic vs. Modern: Why Companies Should Move from SharePoint Classic Mode to the Modern UI Experience

2024-07-24T04:41:26-07:00July 5th, 2024|

Microsoft is investing heavily in Modern SharePoint, which is the backend for Microsoft Teams. Classic SharePoint is now outdated, with limited mobile support, end of life features, and poor usability, Organizations need to migrate to Modern SharePoint or run the risk of being left behind. Crow Canyon Software can help you move your SharePoint [...]

6 02, 2024

Use Microsoft 365 & Teams to Improve Your HR Processes

2024-07-29T06:47:33-07:00February 6th, 2024|

Need to streamline Human Resources processes? Crow Canyon can help! We have the following Microsoft Office 365 and Teams solutions: HR FORMS & REQUESTS – Human Resources has a lot of forms because they handle so many types of requests: PIC (personal information change), benefit requests, access requests, job openings, training, and so much [...]

25 10, 2023

6 Factors to Consider When Building a SharePoint Ticketing System

2024-08-21T10:30:08-07:00October 25th, 2023|

While SharePoint is a powerful platform for collaboration and document management, building your own homegrown SharePoint ticketing system has limitations. It is much better to go with an experienced vendor who can provide a robust ticketing system in SharePoint. We at Crow Canyon provide such a system, NITRO Help Desk. Here are 6 common [...]

26 09, 2023

Is a SharePoint Helpdesk Ticketing System Good Enough?

2024-07-24T04:20:00-07:00September 26th, 2023|

SharePoint can be used to create a very basic ticketing system, but fully building a SharePoint helpdesk ticketing system yourself has limitations compared to dedicated ticketing systems or helpdesk software. Here are some of the limitations you might encounter when using SharePoint for ticketing: 1. Limited Automation: While SharePoint does offer workflow capabilities, they [...]

25 08, 2023

Overcoming the SharePoint 5000 Item Limit

2024-09-09T05:48:15-07:00August 25th, 2023|

SharePoint can be a great platform, but there is one issue users often find themselves asking: How do I overcome the SharePoint 5000 item limit threshold? Microsoft has persistently and insistently kept a cap on the number of items returned in a single list view in SharePoint: 5000. While a SharePoint list can technically contain [...]

15 02, 2023

SharePoint 2013 Extended Support ends in April: A Guide to Migration

2024-12-06T05:14:42-08:00February 15th, 2023|

SharePoint 2013 Extended Support ends on April 11, 2023. It’s time to migrate to a newer version of SharePoint on-premises, such as the Subscription Edition (SE), or to go to SharePoint Online in Microsoft Office 365. Okay, you know that by now, but how do you do it? Crow Canyon Software has over ten years' [...]

25 01, 2023

SharePoint 2013 End Of Life in April – Been a Good Ten Years, But It’s Time To Say “Goodbye!”

2023-03-04T18:51:31-08:00January 25th, 2023|

April 11, 2023, is the date Extended Support for SharePoint 2013 ends. Just a couple of months away! Have you moved off SP 2013? Are you at least making plans to do so if you are still on it? We realize that moving off SharePoint 2013 is not always a simple matter. We have [...]

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