Grey keyboard with blue help desk keyAn effective help desk ticketing system sounds good in theory. You have a standardized system where users can go to get help. Great, right?

The thing is, being human, users tend to not follow protocol. Ask any help desk technician and they receive personal emails or are pinged in Teams consistently by colleagues who simply aren’t following protocol. However great your ticketing system may be, if the users aren’t using it, it really doesn’t do you very much good. Your organization isn’t able to enjoy any of the benefits of a streamlined ticketing system and your help desk staff likely find themselves spread too thin as a result.

But, how do we get around this? If people tend to skirt around the system, what kind of help desk system would actually work?

The answer: NITRO Help Desk.

Why? Two big reasons.

  1. No additonal logins.

    NITRO Help Desk runs entirely in your Microsoft 365 environment, which means there aren’t additional login credentials for users to remember (or forget) and there isn’t a new interface to get used to or figure out how to navigate. It’s all right there in the environment users are already working in and already know well…day in, day out.

  2. Creating tickets in Microsoft Teams.

    Users can create tickets themselves from directly within Teams, but even better…say you are help desk technician and someone pings you in Teams about an issue with their printer. You can turn that message right into a ticket with just a couple of clicks. The ticket auto-populates information based on the message. You can even manage and assign tickets from directly within Teams – all with a simple interface.

We have to remember that humans are human. It simply isn’t realistic to expect user adoption of a new tool to be 100%. Instead of fighting against this human tendency, choose on a solution that takes this into account. By selecting a help desk ticketing system that anticipates this behavior and still turns it into a streamlined ticketing process, your organization will actually be able to reap the rewards of a good ticketing system.

NITRO Help Desk - learn more